Important Areas NOT to Neglect in the HOME!

The Basement is a key element of one’s home & surprisingly, most folks pay little if any attention to.

Remove old discontinued appliances such as old Furnaces, hot water tanks, piping, freezers, washers, dryers, scrap metal, rubbish, recyclables, & clean out cat litter bins. Make certain any cat urine or spray is cleaned up and neutralized. Amonia works well, and adding baking soda also improves the air quality in the basement.

Clean out all cobwebs and open windows to air it out & remove built up moisture. Dust off the furnace & currently used appliances. Febreeze it. Sweep up & provide a foot mat at the top of the stairs so the customers do not track in dirt into the house.

This demonstrates to buyers the owners care for the home & sellers are more apt to receive higher offers just for this simplest of cleaning preparation work. You will feel much better too after it is cleaned up & cleared out as well!

Happy Home Selling.

Front Door, wash it, paint it if it needs touch up or replace it altogether. Have a fresh new welcome mat at the front door, a hanging basket or display of flowers or in winter, some fresh evergreens or a wreath in keeping with the seasons is appropriate.

Make certain the front entry is clear, clean and inviting.

Wash windows, all the storms and interior windows as well.


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