Estate Sales & Cleanout Services


Anna Q’s Attic, 5304 Rt 103 PO Box 343 Cuttingsville, VT 05738

[email protected]    802-492-2229

Linda’s Auction House

Located Rte 140 East Wallingford, Vermont

Next to the old Seward’s Creamery

Linda Wade Griffin   Tel# 802-259-2879 References available.

“I’m always looking for consignments for auction and estate sales.”

Auctioneer: Steve Taylor VTAL#109     CATERED

Email announcement provided by Anna Q’s Attic [email protected]


Green Mtn Furniture Barn, 802-483-6844 Richard Jewett, [email protected]

Tues-Sun10a-5pm Closed Mondays

Mike Seward, 483-6434, Before having tag sale, from one item to entire estate

Mark Montgomery Estate Specialist & Auctioneer 802-747-6668

 Jim & Kayce Diamond  775-6722, [email protected]  Estate Sales, Summer only

 Dennis Charles in Mendon 802-345-6862 (referral Jim & Kayce when Jim & Cayce in FL)

 Mary Helm Cleaning Services 728 Moscow Rd Fair Haven, Vt 05743

802-353-2442     $25.00 per hr

John Thompson Sr & John Thompson jr  “Just Not New” PO Box 418,38 Elm St,Wallingford Vt 05733. 802-446-2677

Estate Sales, On Site Sales, Estate Cleanouts, Consignments, Buying Outright, Auction Service

Trader Ricks: Center Rutland 773-8653

John Rizk: Mendon, 802-773-7050

Trash Outs

Bob Fredette 802-770-9004 & mowing

Patch’s Mt Holly 802-259-2901

Jakes Refuse 802-438-5188

Joel Robbins 802483-9931 metal

G&D Trucking 802-438-2305, 0035, 558-4433 cell

Rutland Rubbish 802-775-1527

Ralph’s Pick-em-up 802-353-1460

Able Waste Bridgewater 802-672-3569

B&B Rubbish Removal 802-775-6182

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